Dental Examinations are Vital for Pet Overall Health

Your furry companion's overall health is also dependent on how well you care for your pet’s teeth. So many conditions and diseases can stem from an unhealthy mouth, so it’s important to begin care early and often. Our veterinarians advise that your pet has dental examinations by at least 2–3 years of age, but a sooner visit may be recommended depending on your pet’s breed.
There are various symptoms that can indicate pain or periodical disease in your pets mouth. These include:
- Bad breath
- Dropping food
- Constant salivation
- Favoring one side of the mouth to chew food
- Inflamed or bleeding gums
Diagnostics Tools Help Us Achieve Deep Dental Cleanings
At Your Family Veterinarian we perform the appropriate diagnostics to examine your pet’s teeth. We check their teeth during a wellness exam, and may recommend a dental cleaning. Our thorough dental cleanings and digital dental X-rays help us spot any dental concerns or diseases that may be interfering with your pet’s quality of life. We perform extractions on an as-needed basis.



Thorough Care During a Dental Procedure
In order to safely and thoroughly clean your pet’s teeth, we require anesthesia during a dental procedure. Our dedicated and attentive professionals go above and beyond to carefully monitor your pet during their cleaning and X-rays. We utilize EKG and SPO2 to keep a close eye on their oxygen levels, blood pressure, and heart rate, as well as a capnography to ensure that their respiratory rate is normal during sedation. We also observe your pet to ensure adequate body temperature is maintained at all times. After the procedure, our staff keeps a close eye on your pet and provides you with aftercare instructions to take home. Our priority is to keep your furry companion safe under our care!
A clean and disease-free mouth is imperative for the health and longevity of your pet. Let our veterinarians protect and care for your pet’s teeth. Give us a call at (786) 885-1590 to schedule an appointment for your furry friend today.